This image of Sakyamuni Buddha is seated in the full-lotus position with his hands held in the gmeditation mudrah (zenjo-in). Carved on the pedestal front are a mufflon or a deer with curved antlers, and a lion (the head now lost). Judging from this combination with animals, the composition of this scene presumably had the theme of the Buddhafs preaching at the cave to Taishakuten (Skt. Sakra Devanam Indra), a tutelary god of Buddhism. The story goes that while Sakyamuni was in meditation in a mountain cave, Sakra Devanam Indra, wishing to receive his teaching, sent a harp player to entertain Sakyamuni with music and songs of praise. With animals around, Sakyamuni finally answered each of the questions raised by the deity. This was a favorite theme of Gandharan art. The Sakyamuni statue here has a gentle countenance with a placid smile on its lips, looking as if enjoying the music and singing.

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Seated Buddha