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Theme: “The MIHO MUSEUM I Discovered”
Photo Contest Rules and Regulations

1. Contestants may enter as many photographs as they wish, however, a contestant cannot receive more than one award.
One photograph per entry only, photographic series will not be accepted.
Please make sure to give your entry a title.
Entries will not be returned.
Photo contest winners will be asked to submit the color or negative film or digital data used to take their image. Please be aware that those who do not submit one of these formats will be disqualified.

All rights of an award-winning photograph will be returned to the contestant after the contest.

2. Entry photographs must be taken on the grounds of the MIHO MUSEUM.
Photographs should be color or black-and-white in cabinet or 2L size. Digital images printed in 2L format (DSCW size) will also be accepted.
Please clearly print the following information and attach it to the back of your entry (for multiple entries, attach the information for each entry): name, address, telephone number, date when photo was taken, title, age (optional), employment (optional), and e-mail address (optional).
MIHO MUSEUM Members are to include: name, membership number, date when photo was taken, title, and e-mail address (if applicable).
Use of tripods is permissible, however, please be careful not to disturb other museum visitors and the electric cars at the museum. Also, please be aware that photography inside the museum is not allowed.
3. Deadline: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 (postmarked)

4. Awards
First Prize-Chairperson’s Award
A prize of one bale of organic rice and MIHO MUSEUM Membership (starting September 1, 2004) will be given to one winner.
Friends of the Museum Award
MIHO MUSEUM Membership (starting September 1, 2004) will be awarded to three winners.
Membership Benefits includes free entrance to the museum, catalogues of exhibitions supported by the Friends of the Museum, MIHO MUSEUM’s biannual newsletter TOH GEN KYO, and Museum study trips (available to a limited number of participants).
Members will receive a gift certificate of \10,000 for the Museum restaurant and café.

5. Winners will be contacted and announced at the beginning of August 2004 (see Prize-winning works will also be exhibited in the MIHO MUSEUM Reception Hall.

6. Send your entries to:
MIHO MUSEUM (Photo Contest)
300 Momodani, Shigaraki, Shiga, Japan 529-1814
(Participants must cover the postage to send their images.)

For further information:
    FAX 0748-82-3414
For information on the blooming of the cherry blossoms, please check our homepage.
(Please refrain from calling the museum for this information.)


 The Museum Shop will offer on sale a selection of postcards, books, and Chinese souvenirs related to Selected Pottery Treasures from Xi’an during the duration of this special exhibition. We hope you enjoy both the exhibition and the various gift items from our Museum Shop.

Selected Pottery Treasures from Xi’an gift items in the Museum Shop of the Nihonbashi Takashimaya Department Store

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