Shigaraki: Ko-Shigaraki-Jar
from Shigarakis
Medieval Kilns: Special exhibition catalog
(276 pages; 3,000 yen)
This catalogue
includes the 187 items shown in the exhibition as photographed by Takeshi
Fujimori and written messages from notables such as the photographer
Ken Domon, the film director Akira Kurosawa, and the essayist Masako
Shirasu. Also included are informative articles on the history of Shigaraki-pottery
ceramics as well as the history of their appreciation.
The Accomplishment of Old Shigaraki
Jars: Deluxe Catalog
(published by Shogakukan Co. Ltd.; 272 pages; 45,150 yen)
Essay and foreword by Shouichi Narasaki
Opening this large
book, you find a variety of Shigaraki jars. Each objects unique
appearance captured masterfully by the keen eye of photographer Takeshi
Fujimori. The fine printing of this publication captures the minutest
detail of each piece, bringing each vividly to life. Paging through
this spectacular catalogue, it almost seems as if the Shigaraki jars
with their characteristic qualities -- the clays surface texture,
the flame-like color, the natural glaze - were right there before your