As you pass through a woods
of peach trees in full and brilliant bloom and then through a cave,
you come upon Shangri-la. If it was you creating this Shangri-la,
what kind of details would you pay special attention to? |

The small hole
in the tunnel |
The story of the approach
road to the tunnel leading to the Miho Museum continues. Unlike
other tunnels, this tunnel is not concrete inside. The architect
I.M. Pei went to the trouble of having silver-colored sheets attached
to the interior of the tunnel. Many architectural critics have called
it a tunnel that supersedes time and space. The silver
walls have a way of subtly changing according to the season by reflecting
the greenery of the mountains and in the spring, the light pink
color of the cherry blossoms. |
The shuffling of your feet can be heard, but there is no reverberating
echo. If you look closely, youll find small holes in the wall.
It is these holes that soften the echo in the tunnel and create
a silent space far from the real world. As you peek into the hole,
it seems as you are being sucked through it. On the other side,
you can see a concrete wall that has been painted black. The several
hundred silver-colored sheets that have been applied to the tunnel
are of a slightly different width on the inner section of the curve
than on the outer section. At first glance, they seem to be identical,
but on closer inspection, you discover that they are each a different
size. |
In addition, to allow a ray of light
from the outside world to enter the space required a special effort.
This was accomplished by placing each of the silver sheets at a
particular angle. If even one was slightly out of place, the light
reflected on the sheets would disturb the peace of the space and
hit the sheets in waves. The angle of every sheet in the tunnel
was adjusted for one ray of light, and it took the careful skills
of a craftsman to make this possible. The work continued intently
until just prior to the opening of the museum. |
There was an inside story among the workmen on the silver tunnel
dotted with faint-rays of light; This isnt just construction
work. This is an architectural operation. |

Tunnel scenery from mid- to late-April