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Buddha Head
Buddha Head
Afghanistan, 3rd–5th century
Kawabata Foundation
Prince Shōtoku (Namu Butsu)
Prince Shōtoku (Namu Butsu)
Kamakura period, 13th–14th century
Kawabata Foundation
Kawabata Yasunari’s Favorite Works
National Treasure, Frozen Clouds and Sieved Snow
National Treasure, Frozen Clouds and Sieved Snow
by Uragami Gyokudō, Edo period, early 19th century
Kawabata Foundation

     When I look at an object, especially old art, only then do I feel that I connect with the breath of life in this world. Needless to say, the older the object, the more it is alive and the more it possesses a strong freshness. Every time I look at an old object I become aware of the various things that mankind has lost in the past and which have vanished from the present.

Kawabata Yasunari
Translated by Kaneko Rumiko, et al.

Lecture Monday, October 13, 2008 from 2:00 p.m.
By Kawabata Kaori, Board Chair of the Kawabata Foundation
Kawabata Yasunari: In Search of Beauty

 ♣Advanced reservations necessary. For more information, call
       MIHO MUSEUM Public Relations Office, tel. 0748-82-3411

 ♣Numbered tickets will be handed out on the day of the lecture.

 ♣Lecture free with museum entrance.
National Treasure, Ten Pleasures
National Treasure, Ten Pleasures
by Ike no Taiga, Edo period, dated 1771
Kawabata Foundation

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